

Waste Not Products

As a woodworker, I have accepted the fact that I will have scrap wood from just about every project. As a conservationist (read: hippie), I have not been able to accept the fact I should occasionally throw it out.

Laying out the options for pencil caddies.

Laying out the options for pencil caddies.

The solution for this ever-growing scrap pile and my inability to deal with it coalesced in the form of the Waste Not Product Line. These are little projects that I have created using the leftovers from the other things that I’ve created.

Freshly milled up scraps after the glue dried.

Freshly milled up scraps after the glue dried.

I pick a project that I’d like to make and then glue together the scraps, mill them down, and assemble them into unique, usable products such as pencil caddies, coasters, and business card holders.

Cutting pieces to the appropriate sizes and creating the joinery.

Cutting pieces to the appropriate sizes and creating the joinery.

All of the products in the Waste Not Line are made in small batch, limited quantities, and because I don’t purchase wood for these products, those particular designs will never be made again.

Pencil caddies ready for your office.

Pencil caddies ready for your office.

These products make for nice housewarming gifts, graduation, celebrating a promotion, or providing inspiration in a creative or business space. Because I make a lot of scrap wood, I will be updating the store with new products frequently. Make sure to check back often for new stuff.

Greg Norris2 Comments